Lavrinovich E.V.
Candidate of sociological sciences, professor
The department was founded by the first dean of the faculty, Professor F.E. Vasilyuk in 1997. He was the founder and head of the department until 2017.
The department carries out educational programs of two levels — undergraduate and graduate.
The specificity of training at the department is a large number of practical classes, workshops and masterclasses on the basics of counseling, psychological training, group psychotherapy and supervision of one’s own training consultative cases. Teachers are the authors of their courses, which emphasize the integration of living experience and scientific knowledge. During the training, students receive not only the skills of scientific and psychological analysis but also learn to reflect on their own psychotherapeutic experience, develop creative activity.
The department provides serious training in the field of psychological diagnostics. Particular attention is paid to qualitative methods of personality research, the use of elements and skills of psychological counseling in psychodiagnostic practice.
The department is actively developing practical areas of counseling. Many employees of the department carry out individual psychological counseling, conduct supervision.
An important feature of the department is the emphasis on the development of philosophical, methodological, practical foundations for those approaches that are practiced by the department’s specialists
In the field of scientific interests of the Department of Individual and Group Psychotherapy is the development of methodology, theory and technique of counseling psychology, the development of original approaches to psychotherapy based on the cultural and activity tradition.
The important achievements of the department include the development of original scientific directions in the field of psychological assistance:
• Co-experiencing psychotherapy (the founder of the direction — F.E. Vasilyuk),
• Reflexive-activity approach (head of direction — V.K. Zaretsky),
• Dialogue approach in counseling (head of direction — A.F. Kopiev).
Important areas of scientific research of the department are the development of methodological problems of cultural and activity psychology and the methodology of qualitative research in psychology.