Kholmogorova A.B.
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
The Faculty of Counseling and clinical psychology has been part of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education since its founding and is known for its long tradition. Our faculty was the first in the country to train counseling psychologists — professionals who will provide psychological assistance to people in various areas of life.
The main priorities of the faculty:
- broad orientation in different areas of psychology and in-depth training in the specialty,
- a combination of in-depth scientific training, serious mastery of practical methods of psychological diagnostics, counseling and the basics of psychotherapy,
- support for creativity and activity of students and respect for the traditions of world and domestic psychology.
These priorities are ensured by the unique teaching staff of the faculty, which includes leading experts from various areas of psychological science and practice.
Traditional teaching methods are combined with trainings, didactic psychotherapy, supervision, practice in educational and medical organizations (in psychological centers, schools, kindergartens, clinical hospitals) and workshops under the guidance of renowned psychologists and psychotherapists.
Study Programs
The faculty has undergraduate and graduate programs in the following areas (specialties): 37.03.01 Psychology (bachelor’s degree), 37.04.01 Psychology (master’s degree, programs «Counseling psychology» and «Child and family psychotherapy»), 37.05.01 Clinical psychology (specialist’s degree).
The faculty trains graduate students in the field of study 5.3 Psychology. There are also a large number of continuing education programs for those who wish to supplement their education.
Our graduates are in demand in various organizations and successfully get jobs after graduation! The high quality of education allows graduates to provide qualified psychological assistance to children, adolescents, adults, families in difficult life situations. Bachelor’s graduates successfully continue their education in the magistracy.
Scientific Work
The dean and heads of departments of the faculty are students of the followers of the author of the cultural-historical approach L.S. Vygotsky (B.V. Zeigranik, A.N. Leontiev, V.P. Zinchenko, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin).
In the sphere of scientific interests of the Department of Individual and Group Psychotherapy is the development of methodology, theory and technology of counseling psychology.
At the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, the topic “Psychological factors of emotional and social maladjustment of schoolchildren and students” is being developed, much attention is paid to the development of original and validation of existing tools for diagnosing psychological factors of maladaptation.
Scientific work at the Department of Child and Family Psychotherapy is devoted to the study of the family as the basis for the psychological safety of children, the influence of family and parent-child relationships on their mental development, the study of the theoretical foundations of integrative psychotherapy with children and adolescents.
Faculty teachers are the authors of monographs, textbooks on clinical psychology, child and adolescent psychotherapy, counseling psychology, a large number of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, conference proceedings.
The Faculty publishes the journal «Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy», a periodical specialized scientific and analytical publication on the problems of theory, methodology and practice of counseling psychology and psychotherapy. The journal is included in Russian and international databases: Abstract journal and databases of VINITI, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), international catalog of periodicals Ulrich’s web, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Journal Scholar Metrics, international database PsycINFO of the American Psychological Association (APA), Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus.